Instant Book

Multi-Sports & Community Group Tour in Ghana, Accra

What better way to experience one of Africa’s friendliest and exciting nations than embarking on a 10 or 14 day multi-sports tour to ...
/ person
durations start from
10 days
Instant Book

Ultimate Frisbee Development Project in Mauritius

Join us in Mauritius to coach Ultimate Frisbee in schools and youth centres through a partnership with the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sport and Recreation and ...
/ person
durations start from
28 days
Instant Book

Basketball Coaching & Playing Experience in Ghana, Accra

Coach basketball to young and enthusiastic players in Ghana, who do not have the opportunity to play and train in a structured environment. Challenge yourself as ...
/ person
durations start from
14 days
Instant Book

Hockey Coaching & Playing Experience in Ghana, Accra

Coach hockey in Ghana and give children the opportunity to play and be coached in the sport they love. As a volunteer hockey coach, you will ...
/ person
durations start from
14 days
Instant Book

Sports Psychology Internship in Ghana, Accra

As a largely unexplored discipline in Ghana, sports psychology is an area in which self motivated and passionate sports enthusiasts will be able to make an ...
/ person
durations start from
28 days
Tailor Made

Multi-Sports Group Tour (Community Coaching & Playing) in South Africa, Port Elizabeth

Take your school or club team to South Africa on a sports tour with a difference. Play against local school and club teams and help coach ...
/ person
durations start from
7 days
Tailor Made

Sports Psychology Internship in St Lucia, The Caribbean, Castries

As a largely misunderstood discipline in the Caribbean, sports psychology is an area in where a self motivated and knowledgeable sports enthusiasts will be able to ...
/ person
durations start from
28 days
Tailor Made

Multi-Sports & Community Group Tour in St Lucia, Castries

St Lucia is widely regarded as one of the top sporting destinations for group sports tours, as it provides sports teams with an incredible mix of ...
/ person
durations start from
7 days
Tailor Made

Sports Physiotherapy Internship in St Lucia, Castries

Join our sports physiotherapy internship in the stunning Caribbean island of St Lucia, and work closely with professional physiotherapists to gain hands on experience supporting top ...
/ person
durations start from
28 days
Tailor Made

Sports Development Internship in Mauritius

Support our sports development coaching and playing programmes on the Indian Ocean paradise island of Mauritius. Contribute to community sports development whilst gaining relevant sports experience ...
/ person
durations start from
28 days
Tailor Made

Ultimate Frisbee Coaching Volunteer Project in South Africa, Port Elizabeth

Coach and play ultimate frisbee with children in South Africa, giving them the chance to develop in the sport. Coaching ultimate frisbee in South Africa gives ...
/ person
durations start from
28 days
Tailor Made

Basketball Sports Tour in Mauritius

Jet off to the paradise Indian Ocean on Basketball Sports Tour to Mauritius. Your sports team will compete against local teams depending on the age category. ...
/ person
durations start from
7 days
Tailor Made

Sports Physiotherapy Internship in Mauritius

Take part in a sports physiotherapy internship in Mauritius and work alongside the countries top sports facilities at The Cote d’Or National Sports Complex. ...
/ person
durations start from
28 days
Tailor Made

Sports Film, Photography and Media Internship in St Lucia, Castries

Develop your documentary and sports filmmaking or photography skills on this interesting internship in St Lucia whilst supporting our development through sports charity, assisting them with ...
/ person
durations start from
14 days